💡A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..


Hey hey Reader,

Happy Sunday! Hope the sun is shining where you are!

Today, I want to share a little gem about mindfulness and how it can transform your day-to-day life, especially during pregnancy and postpartum.

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

As we navigate the rollercoaster of emotions and changes that come with this journey, mindfulness can be our anchor, helping us stay grounded and centered.

Today's strategy is about creating Mindfulness Anchors!

A mindfulness anchor is a simple reminder to break out of "automatic pilot" mode.

This strategy comes from Vietnamese Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.

He suggests posting little notes around your home or workspace to remind you to smile and relax.

These notes can be a gentle nudge to detach from habitual thoughts and take a few mindful breaths.

I have one in my bedroom.

And in the bathroom.

And by my toothbrush. And on my desk.

They can be a simple post-it note. Or a beautiful image.

The key is that it's a visual reminder to pause, smile, and breathe.


Curious about more mindfulness principles?

Let’s dive into ten key principles that can bring more peace to your pregnancy and postpartum journey:

10 Principles of Mindfulness for A More Peaceful Pregnancy & Postpartum

1. Awareness: Mindfulness is about noticing what is true inside us. When life gets tricky, we tend to dodge away or check out from uncomfortable feelings. This principle says, "Check in!" It's about tuning in and staying consciously aware of your inner experiences.

2. Embrace Acceptance: Acceptance isn’t surrender; it’s a warm hug to reality. It's acknowledging life as it is. It’s about freeing ourselves from wrestling with what we can't change and making space for what we can. Rather than a love letter to every situation, it's a nod to saying, "I see you, reality, and I'm ready for the journey."

3. Live in the Now: The mind can bounce around A LOT. Mindfulness is all about this very moment, not yesterday's mishaps or tomorrow's worries. Staying present is savoring the current moment's magic, like relishing the first sip of morning coffee/tea. It's anchoring yourself in the here and now, tuning in to the sights, sounds, physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions of this moment.

4. Non-Judgmental Zone: Imagine your mind as a judgment-free paradise. As humans, we tend to categorize everything as good or bad, like it or don't like it. Mindfulness invites you to observe without labeling as good or bad. Think of it as curious interest rather than evaluation.

5. Validation: Your pregnancy emotions are VALID. They exist for a reason (and not just because of hormones - though hormones can heighten your usual emotional response). During this reset, as we observe thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations, we recognize that our experiences, genetics, and personality shape our responses. Validation is the heartfelt stamp of "Your story matters" affirming your emotions and experiences.

6. Tolerance: Pregnancy can be a rollercoaster, and you might encounter inner sensations that are uncomfortable or even distressing. Instead of rushing to alter or avoid them, we practice honoring these feelings, cultivating tolerance, so that these sensations & emotions can be fully processed and then gently released.

7. Compassion: Instead of self-criticism, this principle involves extending kindness and understanding to oneself, in the same way you would have compassion for a child or beloved pet who is in pain. This is a balm that heals.


8. Gentle Curiosity: Be a detective of your own experiences. Become curious about old habits, beliefs, or reactions that no longer serve you. Where did they come from? How are they influencing you? This increased awareness helps us to gently open up to new possibilities. Forcefulness creates resistance, gentle openness creates space & willingness for change.


9. Gratitude: Mindfulness and gratitude are besties. Appreciate the little things; they are the glitter in the mundane. Thank your lucky stars, your coffee mug, or even your cozy socks!


10. Practice, Practice, Practice: Seeds take time to grow. Mindfulness takes time and practice. Start small and build up. Mindfulness isn’t about becoming a levitating guru overnight. It's a journey. But by actively cultivating these principles, you can make a huge impact on your well-being.


Mindfulness has been a guiding light in my life for almost 25 years, ever since I first encountered it at a yoga retreat in my early 20s.

I hope it helps you too!!

Exciting News Coming Tomorrow!

Before I sign off, I want to give you a heads-up about something special launching tomorrow. I’ll be sharing details about my upcoming pregnancy and postpartum coaching sessions. These sessions are designed to support you through your journey with personalized guidance and care.

Stay tuned for more information tomorrow. I can't wait to share this with you!

Wishing you a peaceful and mindful Sunday.


P.S. Don't forget to take a moment for yourself today. You deserve it! 🌸

P.P.S. Exciting news is coming your way I've got a special new way to support you on your journey to motherhood! Watch for details in your inbox tomorrow.



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Holistic support for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Because every woman deserves to have the knowledge and skills to enhance their pregnancy, love their birth, and enter motherhood strong & empowered.

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