💡A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..

Hey hey Reader,

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! It's time for another short and sweet wellness tip! This one will support you when you're having a hard time!

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

For those of you who already have little ones, you've probably heard that when baby is having a hard time...

put them in water, rock them or take them outside.

For those of you waiting for your baby's arrival - this is very sound advice.

But as adults, who are also allowed to have hard times...

... have you ever put yourself in water

or taken yourself outside

or sat/laid down on a swing when things feel like a lot?


Because I think you'll find the same principles apply. It works.

And I would love to hear your stories.

Have you used this technique?

One mama shared "Whenever my baby is really fussing and I feel like I'm about to lose it, I put the baby somewhere safe (playpen/crib) and I go outside for 5 minutes. Feel the sun, breathe some fresh air, listen to the birds or the quiet. 5 minutes is always just enough to bring me back to a safe state to handle my fussy baby."

Another shared "When I started taking my baby outside when she was upset, I realized how much it helped me too"

One mom of three stated "This literally works every time. A shower is my kids' reset. And mine too."

Hit reply and email back with your story.


I hope you find this self-care reminder valuable!

Sending calm and compassion your way,


PS. If you want more tools


Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

Holistic support for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Because every woman deserves to have the knowledge and skills to enhance their pregnancy, love their birth, and enter motherhood strong & empowered.

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