💡A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..

Hey hey Reader,

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! It's time for another quick wellness tip and today's topic is babies and cell phones.

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

Isn't it amazing how just a few cells can turn into a whole new life?

Pregnancy is like following a secret recipe for creating a tiny human, complete with delicate organs and vital systems.

In a way, it's like you're their superhero, protecting them from any possible harm.

And every choice you make during pregnancy?

It matters.

It shapes their journey into the world.

As soon-to-be or new parents, keeping our kids safe and happy is our main gig.

We're always getting hit with advice on how to baby-proof our homes, but one thing that doesn't get enough attention is the effect of wireless stuff on our kiddos.

Wireless radiation, also known as radiofrequency (RF) radiation, is emitted by various everyday devices such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors, and more.

While these devices have become an integral part of modern life, it's essential to understand the potential risks they pose, especially during pregnancy and early childhood development.

Research is now showing that exposure to RF radiation can have adverse effects on fetal development, including neurological and behavioral issues.

For instance, research conducted by Dr. Hugh Taylor and his team at Yale University School of Medicine found that pregnant laboratory mice exposed to cell phone radiation produced offspring with poorer memories and increased hyperactivity.

Furthermore, the National Toxicology Program's extensive study revealed clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in animals exposed to wireless radiation from cell phones, prompting a paradigm shift in our understanding of its health effects.

It's an issue!

So what can you do to protect your baby?

Finding and dodging all of the RF radiation can feel overwhelming, but understanding the risks and taking steps to lower your exposure - that's totally doable!

Remember the aim isn't to completely eliminate it but to REDUCE EXPOSURE!

Here are some practical steps you can take to minimize exposure to wireless radiation:

  • Minimize the use of cell phones, especially during pregnancy.
  • Use a landline or corded phone whenever possible.
  • Avoid carrying your cell phone in your pocket or bra.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi routers when not in use, especially at night.
  • Limit the use of wireless devices and streaming services, especially around pregnant women and young children.
  • If you or your kids want to watch a show on a device, download it to the device, place it in airplane mode, and then watch it.
  • At night, plug your phone into a charger outside your bedroom or turn the phone to airplane mode, and the WIFI off at night.


For those of you who want to go deeper into this topic, I love this non-profit organization, www.BabySafeProject.org​

They have a free brochure that goes deeper into the science, and offers even more tips for reducing exposure!

Knowledge is power.

And I truly hope this helps you keep your family safer and healthier!

With love,



PS. If you want more tools


Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

Holistic support for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Because every woman deserves to have the knowledge and skills to enhance their pregnancy, love their birth, and enter motherhood strong & empowered.

Read more from Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

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