💡A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..

Hey hey Reader,

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! It's time for another quick wellness tip and today's topic is all about supporting your little one's emotional health (with tips for what you can do in pregnancy, for newborns, and older babies & toddlers)

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

Of course, we all want our babies to be healthy - whether they are in utero or old enough to be headed for college!

Just as important as their physical health - is their ability to cope emotionally with this big wide and sometimes intense world.

As their parent, you have a powerful role in supporting and shaping their emotional health.

So, grab a cup of coffee (or some herbal tea), and let's dive into some tips to help you do just that:

In Pregnancy:

  1. Make deep relaxation a regular practice, especially during the third trimester when your baby's hippocampus is developing. This part controls the fight-or-flight response, and research has shown that when moms routinely practice deep relaxation, it releases calming hormones that alter your baby's brain. This helps move the baby's set point deeper into the calming side of the nervous system. Later in life, your baby will have a healthier and higher tolerance for stress. I just created a new deep relaxation meditation, and you can listen today! It's the perfect thing for a relaxing Sunday. Click here to listen.


For Newborns:

  1. Practice Skin-to-Skin Contact: There's something magical about skin-to-skin contact that can work wonders for your baby's emotional well-being. So, strip down to your skivvies and snuggle up with your little one as often as you can.
  2. Tune in to Your Baby's Cues: Babies may not be able to express themselves with words just yet, but they are constantly sharing how they feel. Pay attention to their cues - are they fussing, crying, or cooing? Each little noise and facial expression is a window into their world. Did you know? Each of your baby's cries have a distinct meaning and they are the same for all newborns because they are based on reflexes. Learn more in this blog article.​
  3. Create a Safe and Secure Environment: Your baby's emotional health thrives in an environment that's warm, nurturing, and safe. So, fill their world with love and plenty of cozy cuddles. This builds trust and lets them know that you're always there for them, no matter what


For Older Babies & Toddlers:

  1. Talk, Sing, and Read Together: Even though your baby may not understand every word you say (or sing, for that matter), they love the sound of your voice. So, chat away, belt out those lullabies, and dive into a good book together. It's not just about the words; it's about the connection.
  2. Introduce Baby Sign Language: Incorporate baby sign language into your routine. It provides a valuable means of communication before your baby can speak and fosters a deeper bond between you and your little one. Plus, research suggests that signing with your baby can enhance emotional intelligence and reduce frustration by helping them express their needs more effectively. So, why not give it a try? It's a win-win for both of you! Click here to learn about my Baby Signs workshop happening this Wednesday afternoon.

And most importantly...

Remember, you're doing an amazing job, and your baby is one lucky little nugget to have you as their parent. You've got this!

Here's to many more snuggles, smiles, and precious moments together.

Sending you all the love and support in the world,


PS. If you want more tools


Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

Holistic support for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Because every woman deserves to have the knowledge and skills to enhance their pregnancy, love their birth, and enter motherhood strong & empowered.

Read more from Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

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