πŸ’‘A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..

Hey hey Reader,

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! It's time for another quick wellness tip and today's topic is all about changing our thought patterns!

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

We humans are creatures of habit. But what if your habitual thoughts are keeping you stuck or reinforcing beliefs that limit you?

We all have them.

Those thoughts that bring us down...

But come back again and again.

Some of mine are...

"There isn't enough of me to go around."

"I'm not good enough."

"Nothing I do works out.'

What about you? Which repeating thoughts bring you down?

The tricky thing is that once we have a thought, our brains will naturally look for the evidence to support that idea. And we probably have experienced situations that reinforce the broken idea - each time making it harder to shake.

So what to do about these "broke-ass thought" patterns?

Here's the reframe process I use.

When a thought comes into my mind that isn't helping me get where I want to go or be who I want to be... I do THOUGHT-WORK!

I ask myself.

  1. What are the facts of the situation?
  2. Where did this thought come from?
  3. How does this thought affect me?
  4. What's a better way to think about this?
  5. What is a positive or neutral reframe that acknowledges reality but also asserts my agency?


And every time the old thought pops up - I replace it with my reframe.

My examples:

  1. "There isn't enough of me to go around." β†’ "I'm getting better at prioritizing my time based on my values to ensure I support the important people in my life."
  2. "I'm not good enough." β†’ "I am much more than enough."
  3. "Nothing I do works out." β†’ "Sometimes things fail, but I learn from it and that makes the next success easier."


And you can use this for every aspect of your life.


Money examples:

  1. "Making money is hard." β†’ "There are infinite ways to make money and I can find one that works and feels good to me."
  2. "I'm not good with money." β†’ "Building wealth is a skill I can learn."


Pregnancy examples:

  1. "I feel big and frumpy" β†’ "It is good that my body is changing shape. I choose to see myself as beautiful in the bloom of pregnancy."
  2. "What if something is wrong with the baby?" β†’ "I am growing a radiantly healthy baby. I am grateful for my medical care providers who listen and collaborate with me to ensure a healthy pregnancy."
  3. "Pregnancy is hard." β†’ "I'm choosing to see these challenges as opportunities to grow. I receive the love and support around me."


Motherhood examples:

  1. "I'm not doing enough for my kids." β†’ "I am doing my best for my kids and that's what matters most."
  2. "I'm failing at balancing work and family life." β†’ "I am actively working towards finding balance between my career and my family, and each day I make progress."
  3. "I'm not patient enough with my children." β†’ "I am continuously learning and growing as a parent, and I am becoming more patient with each challenge I face."
  4. "I'm not as good a parent as other moms." β†’ "I have unique strengths and qualities as a mom that make me exactly who my children need."
  5. "I'm constantly making mistakes in parenting." β†’ "Mistakes are opportunities for growth, and I am constantly learning and improving as a parent."


Body Image examples:

  1. "I'm not as thin/fit as I should be." β†’ "My body is strong and capable, allowing me to care for my children and enjoy life to the fullest."
  2. "My body has changed so much since having kids, and I don't like how it looks." β†’ "My body tells the beautiful story of motherhood and all the amazing experiences I've had bringing life into this world."
  3. "I'll never be able to lose the baby weight."β†’ "I am embracing my body's journey and focusing on nourishing it with healthy choices rather than obsessing over a number on the scale."
  4. "I feel insecure about my stretch marks/scars."β†’ "My stretch marks/scars are a testament to the incredible transformation my body underwent to bring my children into the world."


Now I wish I could tell you that this is a one-and-done affair.

But it's not.

To change a thought-pattern, you'll need to reframe and repeat the new belief often.

BUT ...

Each time you repeat that new belief, it will come easier.

And over time your thoughts will change.


And if you want support or you want to change your thoughts faster, then I encourage you to check out hypnotherapy. It's an amazing tool to shift the mind.

I became a clinical hypnotherapist over 16 years ago, and I've helped hundreds of people shift their mindset and live happier more fulfilling lives.

If you want to work me with or learn more about my 1:1 hypnotherapy practice, you can click here to find out more, or click here to book a session.

β€œThrough hypnotherapy, you have helped me so much. My anxiety is much more manageable now, and I am so thankful I came to you vs turning to medication. My anxiety is not 100% gone, but it went from 8-10 on a regular basis down to around 3-4, and thankfully not even daily anymore which it was before. I just hope you know the impact you have on others’ lives in a positive manner. So again thank you!” Kayla H.


β€œWhen I asked Marie if she could do anything to help me, I did not know what to expect. All I knew was that I felt a disconnect with my baby, felt almost indifferent to everything around me and was exhausted. My baby loved me so much, but I felt like I could not return that love and I knew it was different than it had been with my daughter whom I felt instant love for in the delivery room. It only took one session with Marie. I went through a whirlwind of emotions that I did not know I even had and was brought back to moments in my past that I did not even know had affected me so profoundly. Under hypnosis, I was brought back to the delivery room and I felt that instantaneous love which I knew I should have had. I cried a lot during hypnosis. When I was brought out of hypnosis I felt emotionally drained, but better. The next day I felt like a new person. I felt rested, back to myself and most importantly I felt overwhelmed with love for my little man. I would recommend this to anyone who has a touch of the baby blues or severe postpartum depression.” -Lindsay R.


Sending you all the love and support in the world,


PS. If you want more tools


Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

Holistic support for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Because every woman deserves to have the knowledge and skills to enhance their pregnancy, love their birth, and enter motherhood strong & empowered.

Read more from Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

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