πŸ’‘A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..

Hey hey Reader,

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! It's time for another quick wellness tip and today's topic is all about grounding. To function optimally, our bodies need docking into the earth as badly as our phones need recharging.

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

Grounding. We often take this hippy term to mean settled, centered or stable. But today I want to share the science behind this term and what actually happens in our bodies when we connect electrically to the earth.

My friend Nicole introduced me to this, and she discovered it in part thanks to the work of Dr. Laura Koniver, MD.

Dr. Laura was a conventional Western medicine physician until her baby girl got colic, and Western medicine couldn't fix it. So Laura started paying attention and noticing that her daughter was only content when they were outside, on the grass. At first, she thought it was the fresh air. But then she noticed that her baby cried when Laura wore shoes, and was content when Laura went barefoot on the grass.

What was going on?

How about you? Have you noticed that you and your littles all feel better when you go outside? When you play in the sand? or roll in the grass?

It's not just psychological.


We are electrical beings.

The human body produces a discernable electromagnetic field. There is literally a force field of energy surrounding you.

Interestingly your heart has the strongest magnetic field - even larger than the brain's electromagnetic field. Your heart generates enough electricity that its electromagnetic field can be detected up to 12 feet away from your body in all directions using sensitive equipment called a magnetocardiogram. The nervous system uses electricity to pass messages along throughout the body. Your muscles use electricity to contract and release. The connections between the synapses in the brain are also electrical. Every cell in your body is conductive.

But with how we live now, we are insulated from the earth's electrical current, by our homes, the rubber tires of our cars, and the soles of our shoes.

When we touch the earth directly, we literally ground.

And there are reams of medical literature to support the benefits of grounding. In fact, we now have 20 years worth of research!

Our bodies need that reconnection electrically with the earth's surface at least every day.

The key benefit is that when we connect with the earth we reduce inflammation - and that is linked to all kinds of good stuff for body and brain function.

Too much inflammation, built up over years, and the body slides deeper and deeper into dysfunction.

But going for a walk - while great - won't ground you. That's because your shoes block the electrical connection to the earth.

However, you can ground simply by touching the earth or even the branch of a tree. Just like we are conductive, so are all living things. So you can touch a tree or pet your dog when their paws are on the dirt or grass, and you will ground through them.

You can touch a leaf on a tree from your second-story balcony and be as grounded as if sitting on the sand at the beach.

Cement, slate and metal are also conductive. So when you are waiting to cross the street, you can reach out and touch the metal light pole and ground while you are waiting. (As an aside, asphalt is not conductive - because of the rubber-like substance added to the mixture.)

Taking a moment to touch the bark of a tree or reaching out to hold a cedar bough for a couple of breaths will also work. Going barefoot on the grass in my backyard is also one of my favorites.

So grounding is really accessible.

And it's immediate. The moment you touch the earth you are electrically grounded.

Immediately your muscles will start to relax. Within minutes your circulation will be boosted. Stress becomes mitigated. Heart rate will even out and slow. Over longer periods, blood sugars stabilize, thyroid function gets boosted, cortisol diminishes, inflammation is reduced and sleep improves. So much good stuff!


What if you live someplace cold?

Like me up here in Saskatchewan, where you'll freeze your fingers for much of the year if you try to touch anything outside.

Don't worry!

There are products available that will allow you to ground indoors. In fact, almost all the medical research was done indoors in urban settings.

Two of the most popular tools are grounding mats and grounding pillowcases. Both of these increase your opportunity to ground for sustained periods.


Materials: for bedding opt for cotton or other natural fibers with silver or stainless steel threads. Your face/skin needs to directly touch the bedding to make the connection with the earth's electrical current. Pillowcases need to be placed on a grounding mat or attached with a grounding cable to an electrical outlet in order to work.

Versatility: mats can be used while at a desk, chair, bed, for yoga, etc.

Company Transparency: most (but not all) companies list their materials in their product description. We want to be able to avoid things such as flame-resistant chemicals and other chemical toxins.


Our family decided to opt for cotton grounding pillowcases. For us, it's just the easiest for cost, maintenance, and usability.

Here's the one we chose: Grey Cotton Grounding Pillowcase with Silver Fibers​


To learn more about grounding I recommend:

People to Follow:
My friend Nicole (registered holistic nutritionist, wellness coach, and grounding expert) https://www.instagram.com/pine2palm22/​

Dr. Laura (intuition physician) https://www.instagram.com/intuitionphysician/​


Books to Read:

​Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever by Clinton Ober

​The Earth Prescription by Dr Laura Koniver

Children’s book on grounding, From the Ground Up by Dr. Laura Koniver


Film to Watch:

​The Earthing Movie: Free to Watch on Youtube​


Happy grounding, the "bare feet in the grass season" is starting!


PS. If you want more tools


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