💡A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..

Hey hey Reader,

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! It's time for another quick wellness tip and today's topic is indoor air quality for a deeper more restful sleep - for you, for your baby, for your WHOLE family.

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

SLEEP! Is there anything that preoccupies a new mama more?

While there are many strategies to support healthy sleep, today I'm focusing on one simple step you can take to increase the amount of oxygen in your bedroom.

And numerous studies have confirmed that when we breathe higher oxygen levels at night, we have deeper sleep.

First, though, we must talk about indoor air quality—a crucial overlooked aspect.

Did you know that indoor air can be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air?

It's a startling fact! Due primarily to off-gassing from various products we use daily (personal care products, rugs, furniture, electronics, plastic toys, etc).

Plus factors like keeping our homes sealed when it's too cold or too hot, exacerbate this issue by limiting air exchange.

But we can mitigate indoor air pollution and create a healthier living space for our families. Opening up our windows is a good start!

Another effective solution?

Houseplants. Studies have shown that plants can reduce indoor air pollutants and airborne allergens by up to 85%.

NASA, yes, the space agency, extensively researched this topic to improve air quality in space stations and spacecraft.

Their findings? NASA recommends having 15 to 18 large houseplants for an 800-square-foot home to achieve significant air pollutant reduction. Among these plants, there is ONE STANDOUT FAVOURITE for bedroom.


(Its Latin name is SO much PRETTIER than the common names: snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue.)

What makes Sansevieria so special?

Besides its striking appearance, it excels in releasing oxygen at night, making it an ideal bedroom companion.

This plant employs crassulacean acid metabolism to absorb carbon dioxide and toxins during the day and releases pure oxygen at night. As a result, it promotes deeper and more restful sleep—a precious commodity in any young family!

So it's the perfect addition to your bedroom and baby's nursery (if baby is sleeping in a different room than you). With increased oxygen levels, both you and your little one can enjoy a deeper sleep.

What if you don't have a green thumb?

This is the part about snake plants that I appreciate the most. They love to be ignored.

Sansevieria is incredibly low-maintenance. It thrives in minimal light conditions and prefers infrequent watering, making it almost indestructible. You only need to water her twice a month.

In fact the only way to kill this plant is to overwater it.

Just water even once a month, and she will do just fine!

Dark corner - she won't mind. Indirect light - totally fine. Completely sunny spot - also fine!

I speak from experience—I have many many Sansevierias scattered throughout my home. And at least 2 in each bedroom. They are gorgeous plants and so good for us!

And I love that not only do they add beauty to my home, but they are also purifying the air we're breathing.

Wishing you a breath of fresh air and restful nights ahead.


PS. If you want more tools

  • Grab Sansevieria from your nearest plant store. She's sweet, she's easy to take care of, and she's gonna make your home so much healthier.
  • Check out my courses, ebooks, tools, and templates here.
  • Bought a course previously? Access it here.
  • This email may contain affiliate links.


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