💡A new Wellness Sunday idea for you..

Hey hey Reader,

Exhaustion at its finest, right? Whether you're growing a tiny human or navigating the whirlwind of new mom life, the struggle is REAL.

There’s tired, and then there’s “holy-crap-do-I-have-mono” levels of exhaustion that only pregnancy or new motherhood can bring.

Today's Wellness Sunday Tip

Let's face it: this is an intense time... your body must work overtime to make a placenta, a baby, and then keep up with that newborn.

No wonder you're wiped out!

So this past week, I've put together my Ultimate Guide to Beating Pregnancy and New Mom Fatigue, packed with energy-boosting tips that have worked for me and the hundreds of mamas I've helped over the past 20 years.

And the BIG secret to managing your energy during this season of your life?

Your ultradian rhythms.

Never heard of them? They aren't well-known but they are happening inside your body multiple times a day.

And yes it's based on science.

Understanding and working with these rhythms helps to maximize your energy.

So you don’t always feel like a zombie.

Or like this...

Seriously, understanding and respecting these rhythms has made a HUGE difference in my own life and I'm so excited to share what I've learned with you 😘!

That's why I've just dropped a brand-new video -- Ultimate Guide to Beating Fatigue! -- where I break down those ultradian rhythms, why they matter and how you can use them to fuel your mind and body!

Ready to beat that exhaustion? Watch the video here and let’s tackle pregnancy and new mom fatigue together!

Catch you on the other side of energy bliss,

P.S. This isn't another pep talk -- it's your blueprint to feeling more energized.

Click here to watch.

Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

Holistic support for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Because every woman deserves to have the knowledge and skills to enhance their pregnancy, love their birth, and enter motherhood strong & empowered.

Read more from Birth Bliss: From Womb to World

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